Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why Health Is So Important

Life is so precious and fragile. I never knew when I was younger how my health could change at any time depending on what I ate, how I felt, and how much I exercised. 

I started having bad health problems when I was 15 from drinking too much soda especially Mountain Dew. There was pain in my lower stomach and side and the caffeine dumps were the worst. The only thing I knew then was to completely quit drinking soda cold turkey. It was hard because I used to depend on it for energy, but I quit soda and felt a lot better. 

I started having terrible bladder issues when I was 18. I didn't really know what caused the problem, but I was very determined to try to fix it because it affected school, sleeping, and basically interrupted life. I couldn't sit through a 45 minute class without having to go to the bathroom. I couldn't sleep for long periods of time because certain positions of sleep would hurt my bladder and I would have to go to the bathroom. I realized stress, anxiety, and certain foods would irritate my bladder. I learned to de stress, started exercising, researched what foods irritated bladders, eating healthier, and started bathing in essential oils like lavender and tea tree oil. 

One's life can be changed with just a few lifestyle changes without having to get on medications with crazy side effects. You can live longer if you stop  eating and drinking preservatives and food that's not "whole" foods. I wish someone would have taught me in school how important nutrition and fitness is and how it can greatly affect your life. Ever since I've learned the knowledge I know, I cook more homemade foods, eat way less sugar, juice daily to get the nutrients I need, choose organic when available, read ingredients on products before buying them (To make sure there's no high fructose corn syrup or aspartame), and aim to have the best health for my family and myself's life. 

Health can either make or break one's life. To the people that don't care about their health, that affects not only them, but more so the people around them. Honor your body and watch what you put in your body. Most people don't know because they don't read what is in the foods they buy from the store. Be different. 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 

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