Friday, February 13, 2015

Update On Life

It's been a long busy two months since I have last blogged. 

Since then, New Years has passed, my brothers have aged one more year making one five years old and the other seventeen years old, my husband enrolled in the nursing program, the weather in Texas has changed from sunny to a fierce cold every other day, Valentine's Day is around the corner as everyone will buy flowers and delicious chocolates for their love, and the life of myself has gotten busier than ever. (I feel like Wonder Woman sometimes)

Lots of things are changing each and every month at our house. Right now, my husband is working part time instead of 60 hour weeks so he is able to go to college. It's nice to have him home more. I hear funny stories about things that happen in school or cramming for the next big test rather than prison stories. I could never do nursing because of how much dissecting they have to do. He's very smart and dedicated, so I will be proud in two years to see him graduate as a RN. (Such a blessing) 

A month ago, we made a decision that we were going to do whatever it took to get out of debt. We had been struggling with this for about two years with job lay offs and bad decisions (We are still figuring out this adult thing), so we decided the next time we had enough to pay our debt, we would do it and never look back. We never missed a payment, but always had a payment and that was the problem. It was a heavy burden on us. I received a bonus and my husband saved up for a bit, and we payed all few thousand dollars off. What a joy this was to us! Praise God that we were able to get out of debt. 

God is blessing us all the time and I am very thankful. There will be new chapters in our life and we have him to help us along the way. It's 2015 and I am looking forward to another amazing year. My New Years resolution was to be more positive this year, get closer to God, get better with money, eat more whole foods, and less worrying. 

Praise God! :) 

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