Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Feeling Nostalgic

Nostalgic-a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past

I remember when there was only one computer in the house. It was in the living room which was right next to our small kitchen. We didn’t have a lot of money, but we had an awesome home computer. Other families had family portraits out to look at when you walked in, but we had epic screensavers. Here is a stock photo similar to our setup. 

Programs were basic but as a kid they were absolutely magical. Anyone remember Poser? There was a cheetah print rolly chair we got to sit in when my brother and I played on the computer. Pop a bag of popcorn and we were all set living the life. Oh, the joy of the 2000’s. Things seemed so much more simple back then.  

The coolest thing ever to watch was the background graphics for Winamp when music was playing. It seemed to sync with the music and was mesmerizing; all the colorful patterns going into one another in a majestic way. When my dad would have a song to let me listen to, I remember the Winamp logo and the visualizations. It was epic to an eight year old. Shoot, it’s still epic and I’m 30. Why did this ever go out of style? 

Watch the Cool Winamp Visualization Here   

I turned it on today while listening to my playlist on Spotify called “Songs that make you think” and it instantly brought me back to 2002, a time when I had no responsibilities and could watch this for hours as a kid. The classics will always be magical in my mind of memories. 

Spotify "Songs that make you think" 

Speaking of Nostalgic... 

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