Monday, November 16, 2015

How I Met My Husband

You can’t really choose how you fall in love with someone. It’s a funny story on how I met my husband. I met him at prom while I was on a date with his best friend. Jeffrey just so happened to be in our prom date group. He was also my best friend’s neighbor. He looked so good, but I couldn’t say anything because I was on a date with his best friend.

After some time, his best friend and I dated (I think I was settling), and Jeffrey came out with us and hung out as well as my brothers. We all went skating, out to eat, and to church. I really liked that Jeffrey took an interest in bonding with my brothers, was incredibly social, and hilarious. One day, I was driving my two brothers to Texarkana, and they said “Let’s stop by and say hi to Jeffrey.” And so we went to his job to drop by, and when we went in I remember seeing him a different way as soon as we walked in. His smile made me have butterflies and I remember just pure happiness. He looked so handsome and had the sweetest voice. Who knew love could be so strong in an instant? My heart was racing and I asked my brother Alex when we got in the car “Do you think Jeffrey and I would be good together?” This was honestly a surprise to me and I didn’t realize that I’ve been getting closer to him the entire time of our friendship.

I’ve always been a shy person, so having a super outgoing man was what I had always wanted. I thought brown eyes were incredibly gorgeous also. I wanted someone who was Godly, who understood me, was a sweetheart, and who loved me for me. Also, I couldn’t cook at the time, and really thought it was amazing he could cook really well. Something that made him stand out was that he had charm, actually listened to me, sense of humor, super handsome, and had a manly beard. I did not tell him about how I felt for a while in case he didn’t feel the same way.

We planned to hang out one day, which was a date that I didn’t know, and we went to Chili’s, to the movies, and to a nice romantic walk at Bringle Park. He offered to give me his jacket, while we looked at the water, and as he was giving me his jacket I thought he was going for a kiss. He wasn’t but I got super nervous anyway thinking he was. It was special being there with him. He gave me a piggy back ride on the walk to the truck because it was muddy and I was wearing flats and I was freezing. I’ve never dated a man who could pick me up and carry me and I loved how strong he was.

 After our date, a few days later, I really wanted to tell him how I felt. So I texted him, “Can I have the key?” He said “To what?” and then I said “To your heart.” Yes I know, it was kind of corny, but after that we talked about our feelings for each other. I had to break the ice somehow. As soon as we started dating, we had lots of fishing dates and went to church together a lot. There wasn’t a day that we didn’t see each other. My family loved him so much and immediately became best buds with him. I loved it that he loved my little brother, D, who was 3 at the time. He even cooked dinner for me, which was super impressive! He even took care of me when I had my wisdom teeth cut out and I was super sick from the medicine. (I’m not good at dealing with any pain)

We were realizing, as time went on, that we were falling in love like crazy. I knew I wanted to marry him for a while. I prayed a lot and asked God if we were supposed to get married soon. We talked about it from time to time, but I had no idea he had a plan to propose to me. After dating for 3 months, we took a trip to Galveston. We went on the Peninsula and he planned for us to do a photo shoot. So we got dressed up, turned the tripod on an automatic timer, and started doing poses together. Jeffrey would push the button on the camera and then run to where I was. (Right in front of the beach) He said “Hey, how about one on my knee?” I yelled “Sure!” He ran towards me, plopped down on one knee, pulled out the ring, and said “Will you marry me?” It was the sweetest moment ever, just like the movies. We caught the moment on camera, which was perfect.

4 months later after that, we got married at our church with friends and family surrounding us. My grandpa made our cake, his grandma took our photos, my baby brother was the ring bearer, and my grandpa also married us. It was the best day of my life.

I had to learn to cook, clean, and even learn how to write a check. We both had to learn how to live on our own and be independent together. 2 years later, as of this month, we get to celebrate our anniversary! Some people will say that getting married young is wrong, but I disagree; it was the best thing I ever did because I got to marry my soul mate early on. When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, timing doesn’t matter, only love matters. 

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