Saturday, June 22, 2024

Turning 30 is Weird

Turning 30 is such an odd time in your life. It’s the expectation for a few things: you should have your life together, buy a house, thrive in your career, and have a few kids by then. When I turned 30 in April, I kept feeling reminded I couldn’t check off all of those boxes and felt like I was failing in some sense. Social media has us comparing ourselves to everyone else’s lives. I would look at people who were my age and see they had built a brand new house, had a beautiful baby, and had the family portraits where everyone wore white outfits and looked absolutely perfectly content with life. Comparison is the thief of joy. 

You wake up one morning, and nothing fits anymore like it used to. I’m no longer wearing the same size I wore in High School. Those cool t-shirts that were a size extra small and small are now in the trash because I’m aware I do not have a flat stomach anymore. How are these 30 something year olds wearing crop tops and still eating…food? I couldn’t give up carbs to look like a plastic barbie doll. 

In your 20s, you still feel like a youthful teenager. You can pull all nighters and still run a marathon the next day. You can’t really afford much though and your credit is mediocre at best. Decision making skills are not all the way there, so poor choices are still made. Millennials, how are ya'll doing? Apparently, we need to put retinol under our eyes and keep Tylenol on hand according to TikTok. Since when are we not forever young?

Since turning 30, I can’t say I’ve bought a house or had a baby yet. That would be cool. I can say that I’ve been married for 10 years, graduated college twice, taught for 3 years, have 4 cats, and have good credit. I’ve learned it’s okay that my goals take a little longer than when I wrote them all down in a notebook when I was 20. I’ll get there eventually. In the meantime, I will continue staying up late with my husband watching funny movies with our cats eating his amazing concoctions.

My 30th birthday cake my husband bought me! It looks like my cat Peanut. 

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