Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Cats and Night Time Rambles

As I lowered the reclining chair in my living room, which I do every night right before I go to bed, I noticed Daisy look at the clock on the wall as if she was checking the time. Then turned around and laid back on the couch while yawning. She’s my youngest kitty. It’s late. Past one o'clock kind of late. I often wonder if cats can communicate and understand us much more than we give them credit. As I type this, I look around the room with all four of my cats scattered on the couch; some sleeping and some watching tv with me. Wherever I go in my house, there is usually at least two cats present. They are sweet companions that enjoy being in the same room as me. That’s something right? I don’t want some people in the same room with me, but I sure do love my cats. I definitely sound like an introvert speaking. Connecting with cats means understanding each animal’s personality. Cats can be funny, witty, spunky, chatty, clever, affectionate, and loving. I went through an age where I didn’t have the passion for animals. When I was a toddler to about ten years old, I cared about animals dearly and wanted to be a vet. At twelve, I was more interested in when my breasts would develop. Then, in my teens, I was into band and might have been a tad boy crazy. It wasn’t until I got married to my husband (almost five years ago) and we got a cat that I started to love animals again; mainly just the cat family. Maybe I have my husband to thank for showing me the love for these furry cuddly creatures we know as cats. We own four of these purrrfect companions and we love them. 

Sleepy Night-Owl 

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