Friday, October 12, 2018

Artsy Fartsy Water Coloring Girl

A few years ago, my mom got me some watercolors. We started painting together here and there. What a fun experience to paint with my mom with how talented she is.

I loved the way good watercolors felt. It wasn't the easiest to control, but at the same time I loved that there was part of it that I couldn't control. I have made some beautiful messes on paper. It's cool how it's translucent at times. Watercolor paint always looks different when it dries. I love this part the best!

I have always loved the arts, but when I was in High School I focused on music in Band. I started having fun with other things as I can't always play my saxophone in my house because it's "loud" other people say. Laughs.

Painting has become my way to de-stress and my out. I love turning on acoustic music and painting. My mom told me to paint things that I love. It makes it so much more meaningful when you're done if you're passionate about it versus hating the subject or even if it's unfamiliar. Here are a few pictures I have painted.

A big shout out to my husband and parents for being so supportive and encouraging when I show ya'll pictures I have painted!

Just in time for Fall.

I painted this picture from a picture in a calendar.

This picture of the cat also came out of a calendar.

My dad and I decided to have a night of painting an orange. It was so much fun!

His is on the left and mine is on the right.

I used a light box to sketch the details of the faces, but this is a picture of me and my best friend Gwen.

Jeffrey wanted me to paint this for him. I got the design from a logo off a t-shirt.

I painted this from a picture in a magazine.

I painted this from a picture I found online.

This is a birthday card I painted for a friend with tons of glitter added.

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