Tuesday, June 4, 2024

It's Been 4 Years!

It's 2024! It has been a whopping four years since I have made a blog post! So much life has happened in that time. 

Since 2020, I graduated college, became a teacher, and changed schools a few times. I love teaching kiddos! Now, my husband is a RN and works full time.

I took my creative side to TikTok for a while. I posted funny videos, silly trends, videos of my cats being cats, and memories. When videos started to go viral, I fell into the trap of becoming a little obsessed with the app; especially around the time of Covid. I still post them for fun, but now I am not as into it for the "likes." 

Now, I drink my coffee and swim around in my ADHD of hobbies in my office thinking what my next creative thing will be. I fight through creative block and my inner critique with listening to Spotify playlists looking for inspiration. It's summer time, so there are teacher things in every nook and cranny cluttered in my office. 

Anyone else decide to take everything out and attempt to organize it? In the middle of the process, you're laying in the floor staring at all of their "junk" questioning "Why did I do this?" I'm not a hoarder, but becoming a teacher means you'll have paper everywhere and things of possibility: "I could probably use that." What did I do instead? I wrote a blog post! 

I wish I could go back to the time period of the 60s. Their music and fashion is swell. I wouldn't make a great traditional house wife though. I would be one of the women who went on strike and probably would end up on a billboard. Cooking and cleaning isn't the life for me.

No wonder the women back then were severely depressed and relied on the wonder drug "Valium" to get through every day life. 

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