Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hey 2020, What's up?

On New Year's Eve, my husband and I went to a New Year's Party with my friend and her husband along with a few friends of theirs. It was the first year that my husband and I actually went somewhere for New Year's Eve since we have been married. It was a fun night that I am happy to have as a memory. 
I started the year off in late January by getting a Deva Cut for the first time ever. It was such an amazing experience for this curly haired girl. I've been on a curly hair journey ever since. It's fun to learn new ways and methods to take care of my hair in a natural way that results in my curls looking better than ever. When I was a little girl, I had no idea how to deal with it, so I would just brush it out dry and put it in a pony tail. When I got into 6th grade, I straightened it every day to look like the other girls.
Since Thanksgiving of last year, my mom has joined me on my Zumba journey. I was so excited because I was trying to get her to come with me for months! I've been going off and on for about two years now. She has joined me and now we are officially weekly Zumba buddies! What better Zumba buddy than your mom? Yep, she's pretty awesome! We got Fit-bits as well, so we are on a healthy journey together! 
My Zumba Instructor is the coolest most hip lady that taught us many cool hip hop moves. I am thankful for meeting new people in my area and for the fun experiences. I am not a gym person but I sure do love to dance! It doesn't feel like "exercise" when you get to shake it with other cool peeps. 

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