Monday, May 8, 2017

The Ugly Truth

      Everyone has their own moral code whether they know it or not. It’s often challenging to know what the right thing to do in this society because the media has desensitized us from things such as murder, rape, cyber bullying, same sex marriage, porn, robbery, and has kids from a young age believing everything they see on YouTube is real. Even though everything one sees on the internet, TV, Movies, and even the news is heavily edited. They don’t teach you this at school, even though they really should in this day in age. 

Facebook has over 1.86 billion monthly users while 1.2 billion check them several times a day; most at least twice per hour. Facebook, the most popular media website, is also edited to their liking. How so you may ask? Anyone can be beautiful with all of snap chat filters, crop the parts of their body they don’t like out of the picture, and write things on their status that aren’t true. With all of these features, one must still remain “politically correct” and be acceptable to the public along with walking on egg shells for the “offended at everything” crowd. How is this ethical in any way? Facebook might as well be Fakebook.

Online dating is now acceptable and everyone has a tinder. Though the show “Catfish” is popular to watch, it is very true to how many people fool others on the internet and how easy it is. Everyone knows how to master Photoshop and jazz up an “About Me.” Who cares if this 19 year old guy on this dating website is really a 43 year old sex offender that likes to rape girls then kill them in a basement? You know what, it happens more than the media would like to admit. Internet access can sometimes be dangerous if safety is not taught and kids are not monitored.

 On the movie Napoleon Dynamite in 2004, they showed Lafawnduh and Kip online dating on dial-up. It was a memorable part of the movie and was pretty funny especially at the end of the movie when they got married. 
“Do you believe everything you see on TV?” my mom used to ask me with one eye brow raised. I thought every family was like Full House and that the acting was real for a very long time. I faced the ugly truth when I would learn what happened behind the set and the how Mary Kate and Ashley got strung out on drugs. If you wanted to learn about sex, you didn’t go and ask your parents, but you either went online or watched it in a movie with access within minutes. The reason we know the moon landed is because we saw it on TV in 1969. Everyone gathered around their little box TVs as they “oooohhh” and “ahhhhhh” at the fuzzy sight. Could it have been a staged set?  

The good and evil in the world is a mystery and is not always black and white when trying to figure it out. Sometimes, it’s right before your eyes. Everything is ethical all around us whether it be the magazines in the checkout line at Walmart or even the news we tune into every day on our TVs and Computers. It’s controversial, tweaked, and usually a variety of scandalous news.    

“It is not enough to be nice; you have to be good. We are attracted by nice people; but only on the assumption that their niceness is a sign of goodness.” Roger Scruton.

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