Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Politics, Yep I Said It

Growing up I never knew anything about politics. The only short flashback I have was in kindergarten when they held an election just for us to vote for president. I voted for Bush and then went on drinking my chocolate milk carton and played on the playground. I heard great things about him, but only at school. My mom never turned on the news or talked about that kind of stuff when I was young. 

When I was in 2nd grade, I remember when 9/11 happened. I was pretty confused on what happened, but when the news came on I understood what just  went down. It was horrifying and made our whole class quiet while some were in tears. A tragedy had just hit America. After that, I started to pay attention a little more to the news.

School is the only constant political influence I've ever had. I became interested in history in politics in history class each year. Politics are brutal, but relevant in what's going on the world. I don’t remember any drastic change in politics until I was 14, in 9th grade at Hooks High School when Obama got elected president. That was a crazy day roaming the hallways as people rallied that we have a black president in office now while chanting other similar things. 

My family started talking about politics when he got elected mainly because they had to pay higher taxes than normal. Then, the Obamacare really affected my family because one of my family members got a huge fine simply because they didn't have health insurance for a small period of time. 

A year later, I signed up for a political group in school called “Junior Statesmen of America” with a few friends. We went to meetings, debates, the capital, events, and learned so much going and talking with people all over the world in fancy suits. I even had the chance to meet our congressman last year and that was pretty awesome. I considered myself a republican until I went on a trip and learned what a moderate was. At the end of the day, I'll side with republicans because of my Christian beliefs, but agree that some rules could also be changed.

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