Saturday, December 20, 2014

Words of Wisdom by Grace

Be a go getter. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. That includes anything in this world that can be achieved. 

Be true to your word. Your word is worth something (if you keep your word). 

Be faithful to your family before any one else. Family matters before friends because family are the people who took care of you and always have your back. When a car breaks down, who helps you on the side of the road? Family. 

Don't ever make a promise you cannot keep. No one likes disappointment constantly with hopes high. Make a promise that is realistic.

Don't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes. Show compassion and love to the people around you. You never know what they're going through. 

When someone is selfish, they are all about their self. There is no fulfillment in that. However, there is fulfillment in Jesus. 

There is no good in gossip. It stays heavy in one's heart as it hurts the people who are talked about. The "Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you" saying isn't true at all. Words burn deep and are never forgotten. 

Use your paycheck wisely because hair appointments and pedicures won't keep the electricity running or food on the table. Make sure you have your needs separated from your wants. Needs to any household comes first. 

Who you are around is who you will become so pick your clan wisely. Like minded people work the best. 

Find out the things you love to do and then do them. My pastor told Jeffrey and I, when we came to him about marriage, to keep our hobbies and find things that make each of us happy. 

Pets are a beautiful creature. However, they are expensive. Cats are expensive by how much they eat and poop a day, how they tear up my favorite ear buds, they claw my furniture, when they get fleas, when they get sick and have to go to the vet, and they keep me up during the night sometimes. Make your choice wisely before getting a pet! 

Always keep a relationship with God. Don't worry about religion, but instead a relationship. If one is rehearsing prayers that doesn't hit their heart in any way and its a ritual, then something is wrong. Speak to God as if he is right beside you. 

Always try to better yourself in any way you see important. If it's education, a job, making better friendships, yoga, church, health, or even just being nicer to people you will feel so much better.

Uplift people around you. If you can make a goal to make one person smile a day, you are doing better than the world. Be the movement to end depression by positivity. 

Love your fellow family and friends like crazy because you never know when the last day shall be. :) 

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