Saturday, December 27, 2014

Amazing Juice, Why is it so Great?

Juicing is super wonderful! Let me tell you why and how.

Juicing is so important to one's health. It has helped me personally with a lot of health problems. I have jaw problems and they hurt quite a bit. They seemed to get inflamed a lot in the mornings. When I juice, it reduces the inflammation completely. I feel no pain anymore after that. I also have dealt with constipation and juicing will most definitely cure that. 

It also helps me from getting sick while other people who may not juice will get sick more often. When I drink juice, it makes me feel happier and more energetic. It helps with depression and uplifts one's mood as well.

One thing I know that is a plus to juicing is that it helps your hair grow fast along with your nails. I have noticed a change in my hair from juicing and it grows better than it used to. It also helps me sleep a lot better than I ever have.

I juice in a juicer called "Fusion Juicer" and it works amazing. It has an easy cleanup and is centrifugal. It's about $100 and well worth it. I started off getting recipes off the internet. It's super easy! It doesn't cost an arm and a leg if you think about how much money it saves by not getting sick and ending up at the doctor's office paying for medications.

I know that the juice I am drinking will prevent cancer, is heart healthy, helps me think more clearly, cleans out my insides, prevents Alzheimer's, reduces stress, promotes one's sex drive, gets the vitamins needed, promotes weight loss, and is part of a healthy life! I love it so much. Juice is like natural medicine.

I don't know why someone would choose not to make juicing part of their life. If people can kill cancer with natural juice, it's more the reason to drink juice and present diseases. It has changed my life. 

This is my recipe for a juice I call "Purple Passion"

1 whole grapefruit
I/4 cup purple grapes 
1/2 cup of raspberries and blueberries
Two handfuls of spinach 
1 red apple 
1 orange 
2 cuties 
1/2 of a lemon 

I was thinking in mind to make a juice with high citrus, but instead made it a very fruit berry mix. It's a very pretty drink. It taste as delicious as it looks!

Drink the rainbow!

Thanks for reading and happy juicing. :) 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Words of Wisdom by Grace

Be a go getter. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. That includes anything in this world that can be achieved. 

Be true to your word. Your word is worth something (if you keep your word). 

Be faithful to your family before any one else. Family matters before friends because family are the people who took care of you and always have your back. When a car breaks down, who helps you on the side of the road? Family. 

Don't ever make a promise you cannot keep. No one likes disappointment constantly with hopes high. Make a promise that is realistic.

Don't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes. Show compassion and love to the people around you. You never know what they're going through. 

When someone is selfish, they are all about their self. There is no fulfillment in that. However, there is fulfillment in Jesus. 

There is no good in gossip. It stays heavy in one's heart as it hurts the people who are talked about. The "Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you" saying isn't true at all. Words burn deep and are never forgotten. 

Use your paycheck wisely because hair appointments and pedicures won't keep the electricity running or food on the table. Make sure you have your needs separated from your wants. Needs to any household comes first. 

Who you are around is who you will become so pick your clan wisely. Like minded people work the best. 

Find out the things you love to do and then do them. My pastor told Jeffrey and I, when we came to him about marriage, to keep our hobbies and find things that make each of us happy. 

Pets are a beautiful creature. However, they are expensive. Cats are expensive by how much they eat and poop a day, how they tear up my favorite ear buds, they claw my furniture, when they get fleas, when they get sick and have to go to the vet, and they keep me up during the night sometimes. Make your choice wisely before getting a pet! 

Always keep a relationship with God. Don't worry about religion, but instead a relationship. If one is rehearsing prayers that doesn't hit their heart in any way and its a ritual, then something is wrong. Speak to God as if he is right beside you. 

Always try to better yourself in any way you see important. If it's education, a job, making better friendships, yoga, church, health, or even just being nicer to people you will feel so much better.

Uplift people around you. If you can make a goal to make one person smile a day, you are doing better than the world. Be the movement to end depression by positivity. 

Love your fellow family and friends like crazy because you never know when the last day shall be. :) 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Happiness

Sundays are the best day of the week. There isn't work to worry about, stress to think about, a peaceful relaxing day, and church to look forward to going to. Praise the Lord! 

Today was one of the best days I have had in a while. Me and my husband woke up a little later than expected due to watching Impractical Jokers till 2 AM after a fruit run to Walmart. (I was craving guavas and mangos)

This past week has been a bit stressful so I wanted to do something nice for Jeffrey. I surprised him with taking him to one of his favorite places to eat. He was so excited when we got to Firehouse Subs. Oh the joy of their yummy subs and never ending drink fountains! My favorite chips they have are salt and vinegar. Jeffrey loves the spicy bbq sauce. Hurray to the law enforcement discounts they give as well. I give it a thumbs up. 

Afterwards we headed to Wright Patman Lake to do some fishing. Fishing in December? Yes I said it. I never would have thought the weather could be fishing weather at this time of the year. It was just beautiful today though. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. I'm just kidding! It was sunny at the temperature of 68 degrees with a slight breeze. There was not many out today which made it nice. My hubby is so sweet. He is patient enough to bait my hook for me each time. He has taught me a lot about fishing. We were so sure we would get a fish, yet we did not catch any fish, but it was still lots of fun. (Guess the fish weren't hungry today) However, I did manage to get my line caught in a stranger's line by accident. Good thing people that fish are super nice and friendly. Nothing beats the way the fish bite in the summertime here in Texas. 

By the time we were done, it was 3 PM.  We went home to relax and chill out for a little bit. Jeffrey burned some trash and leaves while I cooked a chicken and cleaned the house up. I cleaned my car, our kitchen, the insides of our fridge and freezer, and washed some clothes. I was feeling productive! 

Three hours later, we left to go to our church's music event. It was amazing! They had lots of people sing gospel songs. Someone sang my favorite song "Mary Did You Know" also the song we got married to. It's a special song in my heart. You could tell Jesus was in the room. They had a reception afterwards and that was delicious. There's too many awesome foods to name. All I can say is those ladies worked hard and had some real good recipes. Nothing made from a box. Later we ran into our pastor and visited with him and got prayed for. It was a great time! 

I am thankful for these days with my husband to enjoy. I love spending wonderful time with him because we will always have great memories together to cherish. You never know how long life will be, so it's very important to be happy each and every day.

Matthew 19:6 "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate."

Monday, December 1, 2014

Why I didn't go to Black Friday and What I am Thankful For

Both of my Thanksgivings were amazing.

I spent lunch time at Jeffrey's folk's house for Thanksgiving. We had ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, green bean casserole, sausage balls, and stuffing. (Yes, it was as good as it sounds and better) For dessert we ate rum cake, sweet potato pie, and buttermilk pie. The best thanksgiving is a good ole' southern one in Texas! Everything was homemade and amazing.  

A few hours later we ate at my family's house at dinner time for Thanksgiving. We had turkey, ham, rolls, a vegetable plate, chicken spaghetti, hot wings, and a corn casserole. We had chocolate tort and pecan pie for dessert. I can't argue with more food to eat that lovely people have cooked for us. It was great seeing families from both sides and catching up with everyone.

By that time is was 6 PM and the Gray Thursday/Black Friday sales had already started. I didn't have tons of extra money to blow because I already had finished most of my Christmas shopping. Instead of waiting in ridiculously long lines and possibly getting in a fight over an item, Jeffrey and I went over to my family's house and played the new Super Smash Bro's game on WiiU with my little five year old brother. We also played some music on the bongo drums, piano, and guitar. It was great memories we will cherish! What is more fun than that? D loves it when I come over and play games with him.

I get a little anxiety from being around lots of crowds of people, so I wasn't exactly too excited to go out in the mist of it all. Cyber Monday is more my cup of tea, even though I didn't see too crazy of deals today when I looked. Want a great way to save money on Gray Thursday and Black Friday? Sit at home and think about those long lines while you munch on some leftover pie cuddling in a cozy blanket and don't buy anything. 

I am thankful for the time I have with my family and wouldn't trade it for any good deals on TVs or other electronics. One never knows when their next day is and that is why we should be super thankful for the time we have here on earth. Time is much more valuable than money. I am thankful for God, Jeffrey, my family, our jobs, our church, my cats, and delicious food. (I love food like crazy)

God has always been there for me. I don't know who I would be without God in my life. I have changed so much since before I met him. I can remember the day I decided to change for him. I am so thankful I have God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost in my life. I feel like he guides me and helps me become a better person. For atheists out there, with Jesus you have a reason to live and are no longer are looking for the answer to life or the "feel good" fix. HE is the fix and eternal life!

I am so beyond thankful for my husband. He is an amazing husband and is always there for me. When I am sick, he is the best care taker. He makes the best homemade chicken noodle soup. I've never tasted one with garlic and peppers added to it, but it is super yummy! He is the one that provides a great life for me. He puts up with my bad days, listens to me ramble when I need to, and always makes me laugh. I can tell him literally anything. He prays for me daily. He is my best friend, my soul mate, my lover, and so much more. I do not know what I would do without him.

There are countless people and things that I am thankful for. I am super blessed, what can I say?

Organizing Music with Moodify

I suck at organizing and labeling things; this includes music. I just dump everything everywhere and forget what playlists are for what. I’v...