Monday, November 3, 2014

Life Changes Right Before Your Eyes

In one year, my life went from one way to another. My last name, address, drivers license, friends, and even my schedule changed. It was the day I married my soul mate when my life changed. I recommend marriage to everyone because it's a beautiful thing to share your entire life with someone you are in love with. The little things that change don't really matter. I realized it was finally time I learn to cook. It took a while getting used to sleeping somewhere new. I had to learn to manage money and not blow it all. To a girl who loves to shop, this was the hardest. I got used to the fact that I wasn't going to keep the many friends I had in the past few years. It's good for married people with the same goals and aspirations to hang out with other married couples who had the same idea of life in mind.

Marriage is all about giving and putting the other person before yourself. I know it's God's way because it teaches someone a lot about love and sacrifice. It makes you a better person and teaches you to care deeply for someone other than yourself. Appreciation is very important because that simple "thank you" can make someone keep going with a smile on their face and feel it's worth it. When you learn to pray for someone else daily, God loves that. I have learned that in order for a marriage to be happy and everlasting, both spouses must be willing to meet in the middle and love like God intended us to love each other.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

My favorite things about marriage are all amazing. I have a caretaker who will always provide a great life for me. I love being able to sleep next to him every night. I have a best friend forever. He listens to me ramble and talk about everything. I get kisses every day and told I'm beautiful. (most women forget if they're not told) I love worshiping with him when we go to church together. I love that I can tell him anything. When I am upset, he is always there to hold me. I love getting hugs from him all day. It's just the best feeling knowing someone will always care for you. I have a hot husband to always see everyday. I don't talk about sex a lot, but I'm very happy I'm married. ;)

Our one year anniversary is coming up in two weeks and I am so happy it's been a year already. I can remember exactly a year ago how much Wedding planning I was doing and how excited I was. I was so nervous on my wedding day because I thought I would fall in my heels walking up to my husband to say "I do". I felt like a princess in my beautiful white dress. My whole family was there and the flowers were so pretty. It will be the day I cherish forever. Now it's been almost a year and I still love him as much as I did as year ago, but more. I've grown to know him more and fall more in love with him. When you get married, your life will change, but it will become more amazing than it ever was!

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