Saturday, February 23, 2019

Audibles for Kids

Audibles have been around for a few decades on cassette tapes, CDs, and other formats. I can remember riding around when I was seven years old listening to a cassette tape of a book with my mom on the way to the grocery store. It’s perfect for busy families, people who are on the go a lot, and for some it is easier than making time to sit down and read a book. Who doesn’t love listening to a story? With technology evolving, we have advantages to using it for the love of literacy development.
What about kids who struggle with reading and do not meet the AR points for every 6 weeks? Most people have access to a computer or a smart phone in a household. Why not use it for education? Why not make it fun and interesting? More teachers in the school system should have this for an alternative if one is not doing so well. Let’s find what works for every student; not just the majority.
Audibles for kids are here. Kids love it! I have seen my co-teacher use this website in class and every student is interested and holds on to every word the reader says. This website I am sharing is called Storyline Online. It’s neat because someone usually famous or well know will read the story with great expression and enthusiasm while showing clips of the pictures in the book.
This website is geared towards levels Kindergarten through 3rd Grade. It’s awesome because kids can listen or they can watch. They love it! Most of the books are half a point in AR, so that could also help the ones who struggle to reach their AR goals.

Organizing Music with Moodify

I suck at organizing and labeling things; this includes music. I just dump everything everywhere and forget what playlists are for what. I’v...