Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Highlights of 2017

It's not too late to recap the memories from last year, is it? Nah I didn't think so.

May 11, 2017
I graduated College from Texarkana College with an Associates degree. What what! And without any student loans. Couldn't have done this without the love and support from my husband and my family! 

May 25, 2017
My mom got the sweetest wild kitten and named her "Precious" & "Poko". She has torti-tude.

May 26, 2017
My brother Alex graduated High School. Yay!

July 14, 2017
Jeffrey and I head off to Missouri to visit with his grandparents and the next day we all head off to Michigan for an adventure! The total count of the entire group was 12 people. This is on Lake Michigan which was a lot like a beach.

August 28, 2017
My first day at Texas A&M University. I didn't sleep the whole night before because I was nervous and excited!

October 5, 2017
My first day observing at a school with a group. This was actually really fun! We went to a private school. There's my friend Liz cheesing for the camera. 

October 7, 2017
Jeffrey and I went to a Masquerade Ball at Texas A&M University. There was not as much dancing as I had hoped, but it was fun dressing up. Look at that cool mask Jeffrey has on!

December 14, 2017
My two favorite people, my mom and husband, and I did a Painting Night together. This was so much fun! Arting and farting around, you know.

And that's all for now folks.

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